Monday, January 20, 2020

Sunday Pastoral Prayer (Jan. 19) Athens First UMC

[The University Singers of Ohio University presented three anthems for our 10:30 worship service on Jan. 19 (MLK Weekend.) The video is “We Shall Overcome” which concluded our service. For the sermon, click here.]

Lord Jesus, on this Martin Luther King Jr. weekend, we join together in praying, “thy kingdom come.” May thy kingdom of justice come on earth as it is in heaven.


Thy kingdom of equality. Thy kingdom of peace. Thy kingdom of beauty. Thy kingdom of harmony. Thy kingdom of hope. Thy kingdom of righteousness. Thy kingdom of mercy. Thy kingdom of unity. Thy kingdom of love.


Forgive us for whenever we have sought to build an alternative kingdom that sows seeds of inequality, injustice, and  exclusiveness. Make us more aware of where we need to grow in what it means to build your kingdom here on earth.


 Thank you for prophets of old like Elijah and John the Baptist who cried out in the wilderness. And thank you for more recent prophets like Dr. King and so many others who point us to you and your desire for there to be equality for all.


Like them, may we also shine the spotlight of your healing love for the world through our lives. Help each one of us to be the change that we want to see in the world. Take our unique gifts and talents and use them to build up your kingdom her eon earth. 


Thank you for this university choir and their willingness to give of their time, especially on a Sunday morning to offer their gift of music here in our church. 


And may we all live out the words of our church’s welcome statement that we would continue to celebrate the diversity of the human community and affirm and believe in the sacred worth of each person. And may we always welcome all persons regardless of gender, race, national origin, physical or mental ability, sexual orientation, gender identity, age, marital status or economic condition. Thy kingdom come.


We pray this in the name of Jesus who taught us to pray together saying, “Our Father, who art in heaven.”

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