Monday, February 17, 2020

Sunday Pastoral Prayer (Feb. 16) Athens First UMC

[Sunday was the 2nd week in a row that we hosted one of our church’s partner groups. For this Sunday, it was Kappa Phi, an Ohio University Christian sorority group that holds their meetings and events in our church. They served as greeters, led parts of the worships service and offered special music. You may know them best for their awesome Sunday baked potato and chili fundraiser meals. For the sermon, click hereWe also celebrated the baptism of Elizabeth Bruno, daughter of Alex and Tony Bruno. See picture below. Yes, you can say that it was another special Sunday at Athens First UMC!]

God of love, may today be our best offering ever as we offer to you our hearts that are filled with love, compassion, forgiveness, generosity, and goodness. And where we fall short in this offering to you, we trust in your grace to help us be the people you are calling us to be.


Thank you for Jesus’ teachings that make us think, that lead us to seek reconciliation, and that prompt us to grow in a deeper relationship with you. May this be our offering to you today. We give to you our hearts.


On this Presidents’ Day weekend, we pray for our President. Fill him with the love of truth and righteousness, and make him ever mindful of his calling to serve the people in humility.


We lift up to you those who are on our hearts and minds this morning; those who are recovering from surgery and illness, those who are grieving the loss of a loved one, those who are seeking reconciliation in a relationship, those who feel separated from you, and those who can’t wait for Spring to come. 


We also celebrate this afternoon’s baptism of Elizabeth Ann Bruno, infant daughter of Alex and Tony Bruno. We pray for all who attend that service that we would surround Elizabeth with a community of love and support. 


And we are so grateful for our Kappa Phi sisters in Christ who bless our church and our community in so many ways. Thank you for their presence here with us this morning.


O God, as we prepare to receive our morning offering, may we offer our gifts to Jesus and his love that is so amazing and so divine.


We join together in praying the prayer that he taught us to say together, “Our Father, who art in heaven…”

[Tony and Alex Bruno with their daughter, Elizabeth Ann who was baptized this Sunday. We surrounded Elizabeth with a community of love and support.]

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