Monday, April 13, 2020

Sunday Pastoral Prayer (April 12/Easter) Athens First UMC

[Even though our church building is not accessible during the pandemic, our church’s toys still manage to find their way to our sanctuary every time we record our children’s moments. They have been learning about the twelve disciples of Jesus just like we have over these past several weeks. Based on the feedback we’ve been receiving, they have been a big hit for our online viewers. For our Easter Sunday online service, click here.]

God of new life, it is so weird that our sanctuaries are empty on this Easter Sunday morning. I can even hear the emptiness of my own voice as I speak this prayer. This sanctuary seats six hundred people and yet nobody is here. No greeters. No ushers. No organist. No smell of coffee. 

Just these Easter lilies and this note that says, “He is not here. He is risen!” You have somehow turned this empty sanctuary into an occasion for rejoicing. Only you could pull something like this off. You took that shameful instrument of death, the cross and turned it into a symbol of victory, a symbol of Nikos! What at first seemed empty, like this sanctuary has become the occasion for rejoicing and singing, Alleluia! 

On this Easter morning, take the emptiness of our hearts and fill them with your praises! Take the emptiness of our souls and replace them with new life and hope. Take the emptiness of our bodies so vulnerable to sickness and disease and fill them with a renewed trust in your goodness. Take the emptiness of our hands and fill them with a willingness to serve you and others. And take the emptiness of our lips and fill them with a message of salvation for the world.

O God who rose Jesus from the dead, just as you were able to take an empty tomb and change the world, take this empty sanctuary and any emptiness that we may be feeling today and fill us with the joy of Easter. Fill every house, every living room, every assisted living facility, every hospital, every food pantry, every health department, every homeless shelter, every AA group, every rehab center, every jail, every prison, every overcrowded ER, and every single person watching this online service with the good news of your resurrection. 

For we pray this in the name of Jesus who died for our sins, who rose for our sake, and who taught us to pray together saying…

Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever. Amen.

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