Monday, December 13, 2021

Sermon (December 12/Advent) by Rev. Robert McDowell

      Today is the 3rd Sunday of our Advent series, “The Gift.”

      During this season, we are looking at four very important words based on our appointed scripture readings that can help us prepare for the gift of Christmas. These four “W” words are Wait, Watch, Want, and Wonder.

     Two weeks ago, we began by looking at the importance of waiting as we prepare for Christmas. On that 1st Sunday, we heard a scripture reading from the Prophet Jeremiah who lived 600 years before the birth of Christ.

     They were living during a very bleak time because of an invading army. And in the midst of this time of uncertainty and fear, Jeremiah announces this word of hope, “The days are surely coming, says the Lord, when I will fulfill the promise I made to the house of Israel and the house of Judah. In those days and in that time, I will cause a righteous Branch to spring up for David; and he shall execute justice and righteousness in the land.”

     In other words, Jeremiah was encouraging God’s people to be patient and to wait because God is faithful. 

     What makes this scripture reading so incredible is that Jeremiah was proclaiming this word of hope while he was in prison! This reminds me of the Apostle Paul who wrote four of his letters while he was confined in prison. So, the person who is suffering the most is the one who is the most hopeful in reminding us that God is faithful and will lead us into a glorious future.

     Not only was Jeremiah in prison while announcing those words for the people to wait patiently for God to save them, it would be another 600 years before that promise would be ultimately fulfilled through the birth of Jesus Christ.

     The four weeks of Advent are nothing compared to the centuries that the people of God needed to wait before the coming of Jesus into the world. That first Sunday of Advent reminds us that we can wait upon God because as Jeremiah tells us, “The days are surely coming.” The days are surely coming when God will make all things new.

     Last Sunday, our scripture readings focused on the importance of watching. The prophet, Malachi from the Old Testament wants us to be on the watch for a messenger who the Lord will send to us announcing, prepare the way of the Lord. Last Sunday’s Gospel reading from Luke, named this messenger as John the Baptist. “Prepare the way of the Lord, make his paths straight,” John announced.

     Advent is a time for us to not only patiently wait for the gift of Christmas, but to also be on the watch for the signs God is sending us to prepare the way. Watching means that we are attentive, awake, alert, and expectant. Our Chancel Choir helped us to watch for these signs through their beautiful Advent music last Sunday.

     Those first two Sundays of our Advent series that focused on Waiting and Watching remind me of the refrain from that great hymn of faith, “Blessed Assurance.” It offers one of my favorite hymn lyrics and that’s saying a lot because there are so many wonderful hymn lyrics.

     Those lyrics from that hymn are, “Watching and waiting, looking above, filled with his goodness, lost in his love!” If you are ever in need of a little faith boost, just meditate on those two words, and maybe even sing those words, “Watching and waiting, lookin above, filled with his goodness, lost in his love.” 

     Watching and waiting, these are the 1st two themes of our Advent Season. And today, we look at our 3rd “W” word, “Wanting.”

     And for this Advent word of Wanting, we turn again to our appointed Old Testament scripture reading for today, this time from the Prophet, Zephaniah. Sounding a lot like the other Old Testament prophets who encouraged God’s anxious people to hang in there, Zephaniah uses very descriptive words about the glorious future that God has in mind for them. Zephaniah uses words like “sing aloud,” and “rejoice and exult.”

     The prophet tells the people to celebrate their faith in the present because the Lord is near! How near is the Lord? Near enough that we are already called to sing and rejoice.

     According to Zephaniah, this is not a time to “wait until your chickens are hatched,” as the old saying goes. Consider them hatched because the Lord is near!

     The other beautiful picture that Zephaniah offers us about wanting God’s gift is when he shares this good news with the people, “at that time, God will bring you home and our your fortunes will be restored.” This is what the people were wanting, knowing that God was providing them a home.

     I don’t know about you, but I want that for Christmas this year. I want to feel at home.  Feeling at home is probably the best Christmas gift we can ever receive.

     Penny and I like to watch house hunter type shows. We were watching one of these shows that takes place in the UK. The realtor shows couples three houses from which to pick. Once in a while, the couple ends up not choosing any of them because they’re just not the right house for them.

     A lot of times couples will choose the best house of the three even though the the house they choose doesn’t include everything on their checklist. After a lot of back and forth, they finally decide to buy one of those homes.

     But for one of the episodes, a couple found their dream house, the house they always wanted. The first two houses were OK, not great, but when they got to the 3rd house and before they even made it to the front door, the wife started tearing up, saying how beautiful the outside of the house was. 

     Then they went inside the house, and she cried even more because it was the kitchen she always wanted and then the other rooms were just what she had always dreamed about for her future home. After they were done walking through the house, the realtor asked how much they thought the list price was. Thinking that it would be well over their budget, the realtor said that it was actually 50,000 lbs less than their budgeted amount.

     At that point, this woman broke down with even more tears of joy. She had found the house of her dreams. It was great for us to watch her expression. 

     I think this is describing the joyful reaction that Zephaniah is saying that we can have even before we receive the gift. “Sing aloud, O daughter Zion; shout, O Israel! Rejoice and exult with all your heart, O daughter Jerusalem! At that time, I will bring you home.”

     No wonder that our New Testament lesson is from Philippians, chapter 4 where we read, “Rejoice in the Lord always; again I will say, Rejoice. The Lord is near.” 

     It would be one thing if Paul would have written this while he was on vacation somewhere on a tropical beach, but he wrote these words while he was confined in a prison cell for his faith. The Apostle Paul knew that whether he was in prison or out of prison, the good news is that we are always at home with God. “The Lord is near,” Paul writes. No matter what we may be facing, the good news is that the Lord is near.

     It was during my sophomore year of college when I discovered what I had been wanting in my life. Struggling with poor grades and a feeling of no direction, I suddenly realized that what was missing in my life was right there in front of me, a relationship with God. 

     Even though I had grown up in the church and was nurtured in the faith all my life, somewhere along the way, I had forgotten to allow God to be at the center of my life. And without God at the center of my life, I didn’t feel any sense of peace or purpose. I was feeling lost.

     And so one day during my 2nd year in college, I literally fell to my knees in desperation and told God that from that point on, I would seek to allow God to lead the way and to be first in my life.

     When I got up from that prayer, what had been a huge weight on my shoulders was suddenly lifted. And that weight was replaced with an indescribable sense of peace and an assurance that I wasn’t alone. God was with me. Like that hymn I mentioned earlier, I felt “filled with his goodness and lost in his love.”

     It was through that difficult and challenging time during those first two years of college that I realized what I really, really wanted in life. I thought that I just wanted to know what my college major should be or what my career path should be, but I discovered what I really wanted the most in my life was a relationship with God. That was what I was missing the most in my life.

     After I said that prayer, I wanted to do what Zephaniah is inviting us to do and that is to sing aloud and to rejoice and exult with all of my heart. I wanted to do what the Apostle Paul wrote from a prison cell and that is to rejoice in the Lord always.

     A couple of years ago during my daily devotions, I felt led to answer the spiritual question that we are asking today. “What do I really want?” I thought about all of the things that I thought I wanted as I was preparing for the new day ahead.  But after some time thinking there in my study about that question, it really came down to this. Here is what I wrote,

     “What do I want? I want a faith centered on Christ, informed through study, sustained by prayer, lifted in worship, fed through the Sacraments, strengthened in weakness, contextualized through experience, open to change, manifested through serving, and welcoming to all.”

     And here’s how I know that this is what I really wanted, because in that moment all of my anxieties, worries, and concerns were replaced by an overwhelming sense of God’s peace.

       When you know deep down what you really want, it does lead us to sing aloud and rejoice. And if that’s true for us now in the middle of December, just think what Christmas is going to be like!

Wanting The Gift

Sermon Discussion Questions
Zephaniah 3:14-20 & Philippians 4:4-7
December 12, 2021

During this four-week season of Advent, we are focusing on four “W” words as we prepare to receive the gift of the coming of Christ into the world. For the first Sunday, the word was “Wait.” Last Sunday, the word was “Watch.” Pastor Robert mentioned in this week’s sermon that those first two words remind him of the hymn lyrics from the hymn, “Blessed Assurance.” “Watching and waiting, looking above, lost in his goodness, lost in his love.”

Why do you think the hymn writer chose those two words, “watching and waiting” as ways that can help us be “lost in his goodness, lost in his love?”

This week’s “W” word is “Wanting.” Our Old Testament reading from Zephaniah says that we are to sing aloud and rejoice and exult with all our heart. Zephaniah also says that the time is coming when God will bring the people home. By describing that time in the future when God will gather his people, the prophet is inviting the people to think about what they really want the most as God’s people. The Apostle Paul does something similar in our New Testament reading when he invites the Philippians to rejoice int he Lord always because the Lord is near.

Even though Christmas is still a couple of weeks away, as you think about the coming joy of Christ’s birth, what about this good news leads you to rejoice and exult now?

Wanting to receive the coming joy of Christmas might be compared to a couple who after searching and searching for their dream home, finally find the house that they had been wanting. When the real estate agent shows them the house, the are both in tears of joy because they immediately know that they have found their long awaited home.

In what ways is Christmas like the joy of finally feeling at home with God?

Pastor Robert shared about a time during morning devotions and prayer when his devotional reading encouraged him to reflect on what he really wants in his relationship with God. It is probably the most basic spiritual question we can ask. What do you want? After several minutes of reflecting on that question, here is what he wrote down. “I want a faith centered on Christ, informed through study, sustained by prayer, lifted in worship, fed through the Sacraments, strengthened in weakness, contextualized through experience, open to change, manifested through serving, and welcoming to all.”

Take a few moments to write down in your own words what you really want in your relationship with God. Keep returning to your statement to edit it as needed. This can be a very fruitful spiritual exercise! Sometimes, we need some time to realize what we truly want.

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