Monday, March 7, 2022

Sermon (March 6/Lent) by Rev. Robert McDowell & Leadership Board


The Making of a Disciple: Hope-Filled

Sermon Discussion Questions
Philippians 3:17-4:1
March 6, 2022

Today we begin our Season of Lent sermon series on “The Making of a Disciple.” During the next several weeks, we will be focusing on eight vital areas of discipleship based on our appointed scripture readings. These areas include being hope-filled, generous, worshipful, grace-filled, Jesus-centered, faithful, servant-like, and faith sharing.

What does being a disciple of Jesus mean to you? Which of these 8 aspects of discipleship interest you the most? 

For this 1st Sunday in Lent, our focus is on being a hope-filled disciple of Jesus. In our Philippians, chapter 3 reading, the Apostle Paul offers these hope-filled words, “But our citizenship is in heaven, and it is from there that we are expecting a Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ.”

Why do you think that Paul felt it was important to remind the Christians in Philippi that their citizenship is in heaven? What helps you as a disciple of Jesus to put your heavenly citizenship ahead of any national or political citizenship? 

Our twelve member Leadership Board has been conducting a visioning process the past several months which has included input from the congregation. This visioning has been a very inspiring and hope-filled process! We began by conducting a SWOT analysis of our church which stands for Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats. This led us to dreaming and visioning about the future God has in mind for us. Listed below are highlights of the SWOT analysis as well as some specific visioning ideas:

Share your thoughts about the highlights of this SWOT analysis:

Location of Church/Pedestrian Traffic, Embrace of Technology/Online Ministries, Loving Congregation, Music Program, Large Church Building, Strong Financial Foundation, High Level of Missions Giving, Clear Mission & Discipleship Strategy, High Quality Growing Tree Community Pre-school, Positive Relationship Between Pastor & Congregation, Strong Statements on Diversity & Inclusion

Need for More Young Families, Past Perceptions of Being too Stuffy, Parking Challenges

Outreach to College Students & Partnerships with University Organizations, Youth Programs, Continued Diversification of Music Styles

Overall Decline of Church Attendance Across the Country, Uncertainty Over Future Split of the UMC Denomination Over LGBTQ Issues, Impact of Global Pandemic Upon Church Involvement

Share your thoughts about the highlights of these visioning ideas:



LOVING FAITH Ministry Vision Ideas:


1.    Resume Sunday Connections Refreshments Time (9:30 AM to 10:45 AM)

2.    Resume Chancel Choir for Sunday Worship

3.    Resume Monthly Thirst Testimonials/Covered Dish

4.    Resume Stephen Ministry

5.    Begin Getting to Know Church Members Ministry


LEARNING FAITH Ministry Vision Ideas:


1.    Resume Children’s Sunday School & Sunday Nursery Care

2.    Resume Adult Sunday School

3.    Resume Summer Vacation Bible School Partnership with Richland UMC

4.    Resume Children/Youth/Family Fun Nights


LIVING FAITH Ministry Vision Ideas:


1.    Resume Athens First Saturday Lindley Inn Monthly Worship Service

2.    Resume August OU Move-In Weekend Church Side-Walk Water Bottle Give-Away

3.    Resume OU Homecoming Parade Church Side-Walk Hot Chocolate Give-Away

4.    Resume Sunday OU Student Lunch Gathering 

5.    Resume Artist Concert Series

6.    Begin a New Athens Resident Gift Ministry as a New Athens First Saturday Activity

7.    Provide a Food Blessing Box Inside & Outside our Church Building for People in Our Community in Need of Food. 

8.    Begin an OU Student Sunday night vespers service




LOVING FAITH Ministry Vision Ideas:


1.    Add New Small Groups

2.    Begin a Loving Faith Ministry Team to Oversee Loving Faith Ministries


LEARNING FAITH Ministry Vision Ideas:


1.    Resume Winter/Spring Confirmation Class

2.    Begin a Learning Faith Ministry Team to Oversee Learning Faith Ministries


LIVING FAITH Ministry Vision Ideas:


1.    Resume Honduras Summer Mission Trips

2.    Begin a Sunday Morning Front Sidewalk Hospitality Ministry

Close your time by sharing in this hope-filled prayer:

O God, we confess that we want to be more hope-filled, but we allow worry and doubt to weigh us down. Sometimes, it feels like we were born to worry! Like the Psalmist who was facing a hopeless situation but then recalled that you are the God of salvation, renew our hope in you. Whenever we face challenges and disappointments, remind us to turn to Jesus who knew our grief, who died our death, and who rose for our sake. Amen.

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