Monday, January 2, 2023

Sermon (January 1) by Rev. Robert McDowell


    With New Year’s Day falling on Sunday this year, I thought it would be good for us to think about New Year’s resolutions from more of a faith perspective. 

     I was reading what some of the top New Year’s resolutions people make each year.  They are pretty much what you would expect.       

     In order of most popular, here are the most common resolutions from last year.  Exercise & lose weight, Spend more time with family and friends, (This next one is interesting) Be more aware and taking care of our mental health. Other include, sorting out finances and cutting back on spending, Traveling more, Taking up a new hobby, sport or other interest, Being more environmentally friendly, and Looking for a new job. 

     All of these look like good thing to have as New Year’s resolutions.

     If those are really good things, why do we find it difficult to stick to these resolutions throughout the year?  It seems like we make it through January and maybe even a little bit of February, but then things go downhill from there.

     It’s not easy to stick to our resolutions.  

     This is why I like to think of New Year’s resolutions in a different light.  Instead of calling them “resolutions,” maybe we should call them, “covenants” instead.  I think the language we use can make a huge difference in helping us to go after these worthwhile goals during the year.

     What do we mean by the word, “covenant?”  Well, first of all, it’s a biblical word.  I did a word search in my bible concordance and I discovered that the word “covenant” appears 380 times in the bible.  And by the way, for comparison sake, the word “resolution” appears zero times.  

     We even divide the bible into two parts that we call “covenants.”  We use the word “testaments” but it’s really referring to the word “covenant.” 

    We have an Old Covenant and a New Covenant.  The Old Covenant begins with the creation story all the way up to the time before Jesus was born.  And the New Covenant begins with the birth of Jesus and goes all the way to when the church spread throughout the Roman Empire.  We’re not talking about two covenants.  It’s one covenant, but it’s through Jesus Christ, that God’s covenant is fulfilled.  

     Here’s a biblical definition of the word, “covenant” so that whenever you hear this word, we’ll think of this.  A covenant is God’s promise to always be faithful.  I really like that definition.  A covenant is God’s promise to always be faithful.

     And this is why I like the word “covenant” over the word “resolution” because a covenant means that we always have someone that we can rely on and that someone is God.  By its very definition from a biblical perspective, a covenant is thee most dependable thing you can ever have in your life.

     Let me give a contrasting example.  When our kids were in school, there were a few years where Penny and I had to take turns picking them up at the Middle School.  And so I resolved to pick one of them after school on my designated days.

     Well guess what happened?  I forgot to pick our son up on one of my days!  I was like 30 to 45 minutes late.  And my family just loves to remind me of that one day when I was late.  Ok, maybe there were two or three days I was really late.   But even if I would have been late only one day, that still shows the difference between the meaning of the word, “covenant” and the word, “resolution.”  

     A covenant is God’s promise to always be faithful.  With God, you can never lose.  God will always be faithful.  Resolutions are based on our good intentions which are not always reliable.

     This word, “covenant” first appears in the Book of Genesis when God establishes a covenant with Noah that his family and the animals will be saved from the flood.  And just a few chapters later, God forms a covenant with Abraham in which Abraham would become the father of many people.  

     And from there, God formed a covenant with Abraham’s descendents who were known as the people of Israel.  God promised to be their God and that it would be through them that God would bring salvation to the entire world.

     This covenant of God’s faithfulness continued when God sent Jesus to be the Savior of the world.  Jesus suffered and died on the cross to fulfill God’s covenant so that our world would be made new again, and that we might have forgiveness of our sins and eternal life.

     I John 1:9 reminds us of God’s covenant faithfulness when he writes, “If we confess our sins, he who is faithful and just will forgive us our sins and cleanse us from all unrighteousness.”  The key word in that verse is the word, “faithful.”

     In John’s Gospel, Jesus tells his disciples that they are invited to participate in this new life with him.  Jesus uses the image of a vine and branches.  Jesus is the vine and we are the branches.

     And because of God’s faithfulness in Jesus, we are given these words of assurance, “Those who abide in me and I in them bear much fruit.”  A little later he says, “If you abide in me, and my words abide in you, ask for whatever you wish, and it will be done for you.”

     But that’s not all.  Jesus then says, “I have said these things to you so that my joy may be in you, and that your joy may be complete.”

     How would you like 2023 to be filled with joy and an assurance that God will be totally faithful in your life?  It almost sounds too good to be true.  All of this is possible because of God’s covenant that we see throughout the bible.  God is consistent and God is always faithful and will never ever let you down.

     Whenever I meet with couples for pre-marital counseling, we talk about how important it is to know that God will always be faithful.  And I say, “Whenever you face a difficult situation in your relationship, know that you always have God to turn for guidance and direction.  God will always be there for you.”

     I have a beautiful framed art design of a cross in my study and I point to it and say, “That shows you just how faithful God is.  Jesus was willing to die on a cross for you because that’s how much he loves you and will be faithful to you to the very end.”

     And then I tell them that it’s because of God’s faithfulness that they can take the risk of sharing difficult things that need to be shared.  They can do this because their marriage is based on God’s faithfulness.  

     Knowing that God is always faithful can make a huge difference in our lives and how we approach this New Year. 

     But there’s more than just knowing that God is faithful.  There’s another dimension of this word “covenant” that’s important for us to consider.

     Like Abraham, Israel, and the disciples, God invites and calls each one of us to intentionally be in covenant with God.  In other words, we get to choose if we want to accept God’s invitation to be on the receiving end of a life that is filled with joy, forgiveness, and God’s purposes.

     In the Old Testament, there’s a wonderful scene in the book of II Kings.  Josiah, was the King of Israel at the time and he was one of the good kings because he was committed to following and trusting in God, unlike many of the other kings of Israel.  

     Living during a time when the people of God were following after other gods, Josiah was amazingly able to bring the people together and make an agreement that they would obey and follow the God of Israel only.  

     We are told that everyone went into the house of the Lord and Josiah read all the words of the book of the covenant that had been found in the house of the Lord.  And it’s the final part of verse 3 of this passage that really stands out.  It says, “All the people joined in the covenant.”  “All the people joined in the covenant.”

     If you’re familiar with the Bible, you know that the people of God didn’t always live out their part of the covenant that they made that day.  And there are times when we don’t keep our end of the agreement.  But here’s the difference.  God is always faithful.  God never gives up on us.  Even when we don’t keep our end of the covenant, God continues to be faithful. 

     We’ve already mentioned the many common resolutions that people make for the New Year.  Getting more exercise, eating right, paying off bills, just to name a few.  Those are all important resolutions we can make for this New Year.  Instead of calling these resolutions, what if we would use more biblical language and call them covenants instead?  

     I don’t know about you, but I like my chances a whole lot more if I know that God is faithful and will give me the strength to hold up my end of the covenant.  And when I do fall short, I can know that God will still be there for me offering forgiveness, hope, and a new beginning. 

     Knowing that God will never fail me and will give me the strength to live out my commitments can make all the difference in the world.

     If you’re still thinking about your New Year’s resolutions or as I’d like us to call them, our New Year’s covenants for this year, here is a sampling of covenants that some Christians have made.  They have made these covenants knowing that they need to depend on God’s faithfulness and strength to live these out.  Here’s a sampling.

     I will practice daily devotions, including reading scripture and praying for myself and others.

     I prayerfully pledge to practice responsible stewardship of my God-given resources: my body, my artistic abilities, my finances, and my intellectual gifts.

     Knowing that my body is the temple of God, I will prayerfully plan my work and leisure time.

     I will be faithful in participating in worship each Sunday.

     I will be aware of opportunities to share my faith with others.

     I will find ways in getting to know and serving disadvantaged people in my community.

     I will express genuine appreciation to at least one person each day.

     Each week, I will seek to offer compassionate service and encouragement to those outside my normal circle of contacts.

     When I go to a restaurant, I will encourage those who are serving me.

     I will intentionally invite friends, neighbors, and co-workers to attend worship with me.

     I will get to know at least one person of a different ethnic background in my community.

     I will refrain from participating in racial, social, and sexual prejudicial actions and words.

     I will seek to help a family in need somewhere else in the world.

     Those are just a sampling of many covenants that we can make for 2023.  What are your New Year’s Covenants?

     In our Methodist tradition, we have a way of renewing our covenant with God each year on New Year’s.  It’s called the Wesleyan Covenant Service.  John Wesley, the founder of Methodism encouraged those early Methodists to participate in this service on New Year’s Day.  In that service, there is a prayer that is called the Covenant Prayer in the Wesleyan tradition.

     Today, we have the opportunity to allow this prayer to become our prayer for 2023.  It’s a prayer of surrender as we invite Jesus Christ to be first in everything we do this year.  It’s a covenant prayer in which God promises to be faithful and we respond by offering our very best to God.

     Let’s pray this pray together:

I am no longer my own, but thine. Put me to what thou wilt, rank me with whom thou wilt. Put me to doing, put me to suffering.  Let me be employed by thee or laid aside for thee, exalted for thee or brought low by thee.  Let me be full, let me be empty.  Let me have all things, let me have nothing.  I freely and heartily yield all things to thy pleasure and disposal.  And now, O glorious and blessed God, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, thou art mine, and I am thine.  So be it.  And the covenant which I have made on earth, let it be ratified in heaven.  Amen.

A New Year’s Covenant

Sermon Discussion Questions
II Kings 23:1-3 & Matthew 2:1-12
January 1, 2023

Have you made any New Year’s resolutions for 2023? If so, what are they?

The Bible doesn’t refer to “resolutions.” Instead, the Bible talks a lot about covenants. The word, “covenant” appears 380 times in the Bible! The biblical meaning of the word, covenant is “God’s promise to always be faithful.” By making using the word, “covenant,” rather than word, “resolution,” it reminds us that keeping our commitments is not all up to us! God will be with us and will always be faithful!

What does this distinction between resolutions and covenants mean for you as you approach this New Year?

Jesus’ life, death, and resurrection fulfilled the covenant that God made with Israel to be their God and to redeem the world. God is faithful! Pastor Robert mentioned how the symbol of the cross can help remind us that God is faithful thanks to Jesus’ death on the cross which then led to his resurrection. 

What helps you to remember the powerful symbol of the cross and of God’s faithfulness to us through the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus?

In our Old Testament reading from II Kings 23:1-3, we have the story of when King Josiah led the people of Israel in renewing their covenant with God. The last part of that reading says, “All the people joined in the covenant.”

Knowing that God is always faithful and that God will be with us to help us keep our New Year’s covenants/resolutions, what are some covenants that you would like to make to help you be a more faithful follower of Jesus in 2023?

Our own United Methodist tradition has a long history in the importance of making and keep our covenants with God. John Wesley who began the Methodist movement encouraged those early Methodists to pray this “Covenant Prayer” on New Year’s Day. Close your time by praying these words:

I am no longer my own, but thine. Put me to what thou wilt, rank me with whom thou wilt. Put me to doing, put me to suffering.  Let me be employed by thee or laid aside for thee, exalted for thee or brought low by thee.  Let me be full, let me be empty.  Let me have all things, let me have nothing.  I freely and heartily yield all things to thy pleasure and disposal.  And now, O glorious and blessed God, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, thou art mine, and I am thine.  So be it.  And the covenant which I have made on earth, let it be ratified in heaven.  Amen.

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