Tuesday, June 13, 2023

Pastor Robert Retirement Worship Service (June 11) Pastoral Prayer - Athens First UMC

Thank you for your sweet, sweet presence in this beautiful sanctuary, O God and thank you for the sweet, sweet memories that we will take with us during this time of transition.


You have blessed us through this church family in so many ways over these past 8 years, and we are grateful. 2015 seems like a long time ago, but so does 1988 when we began this journey of pastoral ministry in the West Ohio Conference. From mimeograph machines and electric typewriters at my first appointment to online worship videos now at this church, so much has changed over the years, but one thing hasn’t changed; your sweet, sweet spirit that has carried us again and again.


Your sweet, sweet Spirit somehow helped me to preach my first sermon as a student pastor at the Quincy United Methodist Church in 1986 even though I was a nervous wreck that morning. Your sweet, sweet Spirit is what led me to Findlay, Ohio where I was able to be mentored by an experienced Sr. Pastor whose steady leadership taught me so much about pastoral ministry and for which I am eternally grateful. Your sweet, sweet Spirit is what opened my eyes to how even a little bit of hope can help breathe new life into a struggling church in the city. Your sweet, sweet Spirit was more than able to help a Xenia church rebuild after the 2000 tornado that swept through that town. Your sweet, sweet Spirit called upon the right people at the right time to rise to rise up and guide the Lancaster congregation through a major financial challenge. And your sweet, sweet spirit is still empowering, guiding, and equipping this congregation as we continue to regroup following a 3-year global pandemic. 


Thank you for your sweet, sweet spirit that is in this place. And may your sweet, sweet spirit continue to surround this church family during this time of pastoral transition. 


Like Abraham and Sarah and Matthew from our scripture readings today, may we each say, “yes” to responding to your call in our lives. And as we step out in faith, remind us of all that we can’t leave behind, the blessings you have given us and the blessings yet to come. We pray this in the name of Jesus Christ who promises to be with us throughout life’s transitions. Amen. 


  1. Greetings Pastor Robert. This is Michael Johnson. Tammy and I conducted the Veterans Services at Faith Community in Xenia, Ohio.
    This is a true story that I have used as a pillar of support in my life during times of difficulty. Please feel free to share

    I was about 4-5 years old when my father bought for me my first baseball and glove. This gift began a lifelong love of the game.
    As young boys did then, I gathered my friends and we played ball all day long.
    Evening was fast approaching and I was called in for dinner. I looked for my ball and it was no where to be found. After dinner it was soon bedtime and I pleaded and cried that I wanted to go look for my new ball. All the pleading of to no avail as now it was well past my bedtime.
    My mother, who was a devote Christian woman, told me to... “pray to Jesus and he would help you find your ball”. Well, not exactly being a regular “church goer” as the nearest church was miles away, I thought praying to Jesus couldn’t hurt. I said a quick prayer and fell off to sleep.
    That night I had a vivid dream were I saw a man’s arm, clothed in a long robe, pull aside the leaves of a rhubarb patch that was in our back yard. As the arm pulled back the leaves, my ball was revealed to me.
    The next morning I ran downstairs, into the kitchen, past my mother.... hopping on one leg, as I pulled my shorts up, I ran towards the door. My mother hollered out, inquiring....”where do you think you are going”??? Yelling back in return, I told her.....”Jesus showed me where my ball is”. Continuing past her and out the door,
    I ran to the rhubarb patch and pulled back the leaves, just as in my dream....there was my ball. I snatched it up and ran back to the house.
    As I showed her the ball I told her of my dream. She fell to her knees sobbing as she held me tightly. For many many years I thought those were only tears of happiness because I had found my ball.
    To this day I am reminded… we must all have the “faith of a child to enter the Kingdom of Heaven!

    Wishing you well!

  2. Great to reconnect, Michael. Grateful for you and Tammy and your annual veteran’s Sunday planning and leading of those services! And thank you for this wonderful childhood story. God is present with us in more ways we can imagine! Blessings!
