Wednesday, November 1, 2023

Pastor’s Letter - November, 2023 “Simple Blessings”

November, 2023


Dear Friends,


Recently, I read about someone who makes it a habit to go to sleep every night thanking God for their many blessings. This person said that this little spiritual exercise helps them to have a more restful night of sleep. 


Many of these blessings are very simple things that happened that day like enjoying a cup of hot tea, going for a walk on a beautiful autumn day, being able to buy groceries at the store, taking a hot shower before going to bed, and a neighbor who dropped by the house offering some homemade cookies.


Maybe this is what the Apostle Paul meant by encouraging us to “pray without ceasing,” and “giving thanks in all circumstances.” Our blessings are so many that we might end up falling asleep in the middle of thanking God for one of those blessings! 


Sunday morning worship is another opportunity in which we are invited to thank God for our many blessings. We gather to give thanks to the One who saves, redeems, guides, forgives, provides, and loves us. Our opening hymn on the Sunday before Thanksgiving will be, “Come, Ye Thankful People, Come!” It’s a hymn that reminds us that we are God’s thankful people. In what ways has God blessed you this year? 


One of my personal thanksgivings is the opportunity to serve as your pastor here at Beulah and Oak Grove. I am so grateful to each of you and for our shared ministry together! 


Happy Thanksgiving! 


Pastor Robert

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