A United Methodist Pastor's Theological Reflections

"But thanks be to God, who gives us the victory (nikos) through our Lord Jesus Christ." - I Corinthians 15:57

Monday, December 30, 2024

Sunday (Dec. 29) Pastoral Prayer

Sunday, Dec. 29, 2024
Beulah UMC & Oak Grove UMC

O God. You did it! You really did it! You gave each one of us the greatest gift that we can ever receive! You gave us your Son, Jesus. And in him, you brought joy to the world! On this last Sunday of the year, we continue to celebrate the good news of Christ’s birth.


Remind us in our time of worship this morning that Christmas is just the 1st chapter of the incredible Jesus story. There is so much more to come and there is so much more for us to experience as we will soon leave the manger and watch him grow and live out the purpose for which you sent him, to usher in your glorious kingdom here on earth.


Next Sunday, we are invited to join the Wise Men in offering Jesus our very best gifts that include our prayers, our presence, our gifts, our service, and our witness. As we prepare to celebrate a New Year, help us to see how our gifts might contribute to your mission in living out our faith through word and deed.


Even in this moment, we offer to you our gift of prayer as we lift up to you those who are on our church’s prayer list as well as many other joys and concerns that are on our hearts. We offer all these prayers to you because your name is Emmanuel, God with us, God with each one of us.


We also praise you in advance for the many blessings that are to come in the New Year: the blessings which our Advent candles represented of hope, peace, joy, and love.


We pray all of this in the name of Emmanuel who has taught us to pray together saying…

Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever. Amen.

Monday, December 23, 2024

Sermon (Dec. 22/Advent) “Receiving the Gift” by Rev. Robert McDowell

December 22, 2024 (Advent)
Beulah UMC & Oak Grove UMC

     During these weeks leading up to Christmas, I’ve been remembering how I prepared for Christmas when I was young.

     For me, preparing for Christmas didn’t begin on the first Sunday of Advent. For me, it began when the Sears Christmas catalogue arrived in the mail. I would open it up to the toys section and dream about all the gifts I wanted Santa to bring me for Christmas.

     Toy soldiers, an electric football game, a hot wheels race track, a space ship, a nerf football, a real football, spinning tops, dart guns, a GI Joe, board games. And while lying on the floor gazing intently at all of these pictures of toys from that catalogue, I would circle everything that I wanted. I did this all the time during those weeks leading up to Christmas!

     Of course, I never got all the Christmas gifts I wanted or circled in that catalogue, but somehow Santa knew which of those gifts to bring to our house on Christmas Eve. And then on Christmas morning… WOW!  I was able to find some of those gifts under the tree.

     In a similar kind of way, these four weeks leading up to Christmas offer us the opportunity to focus on thee most important Christmas gift we can ever receive which is the coming of Christ into the world.

     Think of the Bible as the Sears catalogue that arrives in the mail. And instead of turning to the toys section, we turn to the pages of the Old and New Testaments and the various ways that the biblical writers describe the gift that God has promised to give to us, the gift of God’s Son.

     Like these past three Sundays of the Advent Season, our scripture readings this morning describe for us the gift of God’s redemptive love for the world. Here’s a quick summary from these past three weeks of some of the descriptive words that several Old Testament prophets use in describing this gift.

     The prophet Jeremiah says that when this gift comes, we will be saved and live in safety.

     The prophet Zephaniah announces that this gift leads us to rejoice because God is bringing us home.

     And last Sunday, the prophet, Micah announced that this gift will provide us with security and peace.

     These are the words that describe God’s amazing gift… Safety, purifying, rejoicing, coming home, and peace.

     On this Sunday, the prophet Isaiah gets even more specific about this gift when he says, “For a child has been born for us, a son given to us; authority rests upon his shoulders; and he is named Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.”

     The gift that has been described for us all of these weeks is the gift of God becoming one with us through the person of Jesus Christ. This is what our Advent catalog has been pointing to all along, the coming of Christ into the world.

     We no longer need to stare at the picture of this gift because as our Gospel reading says, we can have the real thing, “And the Word became flesh and lived among us, and we have seen his glory, the glory as of a father’s only son, full of grace and truth.”

     Sometimes, it’s hard to shift from anticipating the gift to receiving the gift of Christmas, and this is what we are invited to do on this Sunday. John says, “But all who received him, who believed in his name, he gave power to become children of God.”

     The gift is under the tree. The gift is here! No more waiting! Christmas is the time to receive it, and not at Christmas, but every day of the year.

     More times than not, when Penny and I clean out a drawer, we will find a gift certificate to some restaurant tucked away. Some of those gift certificates are over a year old! We like to save these for special occasions.

     The problem is that when we finally decide to go to that restaurant, we forget to bring that gift certificate with us, and we end up paying full price!

     John is wanting us to not tuck this Christmas gift back in the corner of some drawer. John is inviting us to receive the gift of God’s Son now. Celebrate the gift of God’s salvation now! Don’t tuck it away for some future time when we might forget about it especially when we need it the most.

     Our Titus scripture reading encourages us to receive this gift as well when he says, “He it is who gave himself for us that he might redeem us from all iniquity and purify himself a people of his own who are zealous for good deeds.”

     Everybody is wanting us to receive this gift! Jeremiah, Zephaniah, Micah, Isaiah, John, Titus. All of these scriptures are inviting us to receive the gift of God’s redemptive love for the world.

     Hearing about a gift and receiving a gift are two different things. And today, the scriptures are inviting us to receive The Gift that we have all been waiting, wanting, and wondering about for these past several weeks, The Word made flesh and who now dwells among us.

     What does it look like when we not only wait, want, and wonder about the gift of Christmas, but also receive it?

     In one of my previous churches, about everything that could have gone wrong for our Christmas Eve worship service went wrong that night. I’ll never forget it.

     First of all, about an hour before the service was to begin, the director of the children’s nativity play called me to say that she had a flat tire and wouldn’t be able to make it to the church on time. And so, we called some parents to see if they could do their best to cover for her.

     The service started ten minutes late because one of the worship leaders hadn't arrived on time. The soloist who was supposed to come on stage near the beginning of the service never appeared.

     The bulletin listed the name of a former pastor as one of the leaders of the service. The main microphone hadn't been turned on making it difficult to hear what the worship leader was saying. It was also difficult to hear the children saying their lines during the play.

     But then, an amazing thing happened. As we stumbled our way through the service with everything not going as planned, we finally made it to the end when it was time to light our candles.

     As the congregation began to sing, "Silent Night" each worshipper raised their lit candle into the darkened sanctuary. In that moment, nothing could keep us from receiving the gift of Christmas. Somehow, we had forgotten about the microphones that didn't work, the bulletin that had several mistakes, and the soloist who never appeared on cue.

     After the benediction and as people began to leave the Christmas Eve service, I was surprised to hear several people say what a beautiful and meaningful service it was. The Christmas Eve that I thought would be one I would want to forget, became the one that I will always cherish and remember.

     If you think about it, that first Christmas didn’t go as planned either. An untimely birth while Mary and Joseph were traveling far away from Mary's hometown. No-vacancy signs all over Bethlehem leading Mary and Joseph to their only option which was to use a feeding trough as a crib. A jealous king who feels threatened at the news of a newborn king. 

     Wow, a lot of things didn’t go as planned that first Christmas.

     But notice how the shepherds who had the best seats for that first Christmas didn’t seem to let these problems distract them. No, we are told that they ended up returning to their fields that night glorifying and praising God for all they had heard and seen.

     And the Christmas story ends with Mary, not focusing on the things that didn’t go as planned, but instead treasuring all these words and pondering them in her heart. Treasuring and Pondering.

     Even if we were somehow able to offer our very best Christmas Eve service that has well prepared Christmas music, carefully worded prayers, and a sermon that is even a little better than above average, here is what I have learned about this special time.

     As long as you have some candles and sing “Silent Night,” there’s not a whole lot more we need for us to receive the gift of Christmas. And even if we attend a Christmas Eve service every year, and know the Christmas story by heart, there is just something really, really special about this story. It just never gets old!

     For a little girl named Jessica, she had a wonderful Christmas.  She got every single gift she wanted.  Her favorite cousins were there to share the holiday with her.  She had eaten her favorite foods all day long.  As her mother tucked her in for bed, she looked up, smiled and she said, “Mommy, I sure hope Mary and Joseph have another baby next year.”

     What a joy it is to receive the gift of Christmas every year!

Sunday (Dec. 22/Advent) Pastoral Prayer

Sunday, December 22, 2024 (Advent)
Beulah UMC & Oak Grove UMC

Almighty God, who gave us Jesus that He may teach us how to live, and through his spirit provide the power for us to act on his behalf in the world of today. Give us Grace to celebrate this season of his birth with the same awe and joy the angels, shepherds and wise men of old experienced. Help us hear the angels sing in our hearts and with our spiritual eyes see the glory of his presence among us. Grant us a special grace that we may enter into His presence with praise and thanksgiving. May the spirit of Jesus be born anew in each of our hearts as we celebrate this time together. Make us aware of the needs of the world, and of each other that you may minister through us.

Hear us now as we pray on behalf of those who need your help:

I bid you ... pray for the sick, hungry, the lonely, and the broken hearted who this day may be kept from your presence by the pain of the moment and the uncertainty of the future. (A time of silent prayer)

I bid you ... pray for the leaders of the political world who strive to find peaceful solutions to the divisions which are rampant among the nations of the world. (A time of silent prayer)

I bid you ... pray for the leaders of the church universal. Pray that the love of Christ may so pervade every one that we may be made one in a spirit so pure that love may reign supreme among us. (A time of silent prayer)

I bid you ... pray for this time together that in our worship God may be present to bless us, and to meet all our needs. That somehow this Christmas we may be aware of the very presence of peace and goodwill toward all human beings proclaimed on that holy night years ago. We pray this in the name of Emmanuel who taught us to pray together…

Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever. Amen.

Monday, December 16, 2024

Sermon (Dec. 15/Advent) “Wondering about the Gift” by Rev. Robert McDowell

December 15, 2024
Beulah UMC & Oak Grove UMC

     The Advent Season reminds me of how difficult it is for us to wait for Christmas Day to finally come.

     I have a pastor friend who had her worst church fight and it was about when to sing and not sing Christmas carols in church. My friend was bound and determined to not allow any Christmas hymns to be sung until Christmas Eve. The congregation wanted to sing Christmas carols during each of those four Advent Sundays and she wouldn’t have it.

     She tried her best to explain to her flock that Advent isn’t a time to celebrate Christmas but to prepare for the coming of Christ into the world. Some of her members sent letters of frustration and some placed little notes in the offering plate which can also serve as a suggestion box. Others would tell her that the Baptists down the street were allowed to sing “Joy to the World” so why can’t they?

     But she refused. Only Advent hymns until Christmas Eve. She wasn’t trying to be the Grinch. She was seeking to be faithful with the purpose that is behind these four weeks leading up to Christmas.

     If we think it’s not easy to wait four weeks for Christmas, just think about Mary, the mother of Jesus. She had to wait nine months once she was told by an angel that she was with child by the Holy Spirit. Nine months.

     Here was young Mary in her early teens and betrothed to Joseph. She didn’t even choose to mary him, since women were not given that choice. She was simply passed on from her father to her new husband. And yet through all of this trauma, the unexpected happens to her when an angel appeared to her and said, “The Lord is with you.”


     Luke tells us that when Mary heard those words, she was “perplexed” because she was a virgin. And this angel goes on to explain that the Holy Spirit will come upon her, and she will give birth to a son and name him, Jesus and he will be called the Son of the Most High.

     Mary’s nine months of Advent really puts our Christmas preparations into perspective. What did Mary do for those nine months? Well, she did a lot of the things that we have been focusing on this Advent Season. She needed to wait as we are doing. She needed to be wanting all that had been told her to come to pass which we too have been doing during this season. Waiting and wanting for this good news to burst forth for all the people.

     Which brings us to our 3rd “W” word during this Advent Season and that is “Wondering.” Imagine just how much Mary must have been wondering about this news that the child within her would be the one who would bring salvation to the world.

     Even when Jesus is born, we are told in the Christmas story that Mary pondered all of these things. Pondering and wondering are what we are invited to do as we await the gift of Christmas.

     We get the word “wonderful” from the word, “wonder.” And Mary was certainly filled with wonder during those nine months of waiting.

     There is a positive dimension to wondering. Wondering is closely associated with dreaming and visioning about the preferred future God has in mind for us. When we forget to wonder about the future God has in mind for us, we can allow the cares and stress of our present reality to keep us from staying faithful during this time of waiting.

     Just think about the cares and stress that Mary was facing during those nine long months of waiting. Worried that Joseph might reject her at any point during her pregnancy. The possibility of being stoned to death for being an unwed mother during that time period. The accusations, gossip, and rumors that would have been circulating that Mary had been unfaithful to Joseph. 

     I can’t even begin to comprehend all that Mary had to face during that long period of time.

     It’s this 3rd Advent word of “Wondering” that was an important way for Mary to not allow the challenges that she was facing to rob her of the good news that the angel had announced to her. Mary is known for how she wondered and pondered about the gift of Christmas.

     What helps you to not only wait and want the gift of Christmas, but to also wonder about what this gift means to you?  

     I read about another young girl, a 9-year-old, even younger than Mary from our Christmas story. This young girl’s name is Grace Callwood who was living in Bel Air, Maryland and attended the Bel Air United Methodist Church.

     On her 7th birthday, Grace was diagnosed with lymphoma. She ended up being in the hospital and missing a lot of school to receive several cancer treatments. While she was a patient in the hospital, nine-year-old Grace started wondering how her faith could make a difference for other children who were going through difficult times.

     All of that wondering while she was in the hospital led her to start a movement called, Can-Serve, a positive phrase that plays off of the word “cancer.” She wanted other children to know that they can serve even when they are afraid and facing challenges in their life.

     While she was in the hospital receiving treatments for cancer, nine-year-old Grace wondered how her faith could turn cancer into “Can Serve.” Her movement has helped other children her age to not feel as afraid when they are going through a difficult time in their lives.

     Her organization raises fund to provide care packages of toys, clothes, and beauty supplies to children in need, especially for those who are orphaned, in the hospital, or homeless.

     One of their ideas in this ministry is to provide pillow sheets that children who are hospital patients can decorate any put over the IV stand so they don’t have to watch when they are receiving medicines and having a blood transfusion.

     Grace’s wondering of how God might use her to bless others has led to this incredible ministry.

     Young Mary also spent time during her anxious months wondering about the good news of Christmas that was shared with her. She knew that the gift of God’s Son would bring hope to the world.

      No wonder that when the angel announced to Mary that she was with child by the Holy Spirit, she exclaimed, “My soul magnifies the Lord, and my spirit rejoices in God my Savior for he has looked with favor on the lowliness of his servant.”

     And the good news is that even as we await the joy of Christmas to come, we have this opportunity to join Mary in wondering about what a difference the good news of our faith can make in the lives of others. It can turn “Cancer” into “Can-Serve.” And as Mary says in the Magnificat, this good news can lift up the lowly and fill the hungry with good things.

     In one of the churches I served, we had this beautiful glass entrance that had a lot of space for people to gather when they entered the building. While I was there, the thought came to me that it would be really nice to have a Christmas tree by that front glass entrance. We had the space for it. It would be a 2nd tree in addition to the one that we already had in the sanctuary.

     But instead of a tree with multi-colored blinking lights, it just seemed to me that maybe this new one in the front entrance should have blue lights. Blue lights remind me of pondering, wondering, and reflecting.

     We called it our Blue Christmas tree especially for people who feel the Christmas blues during the month of December. Someone had the idea to have a basket of small ornaments where people could attach a piece of paper with a prayer request on that tree.

     Whenever I would walk by that tree, I would stop to read some of those prayer requests. Many of them expressed prayers for there to be peace in the world. Some of them asked for God to bring healing to a loved one. Others asked for God to comfort them because of a sense of grief and loss.

     This is why we observe Advent, to not only wait and want for Christmas to come, but to also spend some time wondering about what this incredible gift means for us and how we might share the good news of this gift with those around us.