Saturday, August 8, 2009

First Week in New Church Reflections

Well, I've been at my new church, Lancaster: First UMC in Lancaster, Ohio for a full week now. Here are some of my thoughts in this time of transition and new beginnings:
  • The people are very welcoming and helpful to the new kid on the block. Our family has been received with open arms from day one.
  • I love the intimate feel of the sanctuary with sections of pews in somewhat of a semi-circle with a balcony. It's a great environment for preaching and leading in worship since everyone is close to the front of the sanctuary due to the architecture.
  • The music is high quality and a lot of intentionality goes into the planning of services by a worship team on a weekly basis.
  • This is a multi-faceted congregation with all kinds of outreach and ministry not to mention two properties in addition to the downtown church to provide space for ministry. One of those facilities, Crossroads, was built in 2005 and provides space for a Wednesday worship, ministries, concerts, and a space for community groups to meet and hold events.
  • I'm looking forward to a special lunch toward the end of the month in which the United Methodist pastors of the city will meet and see how we can more effectively make disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world by working together in partnership.
  • I'm excited about a new three part sermon series which begins tomorrow on the theme, "The United Methodist Way."

We're off to a great start. Praise God!

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