Monday, August 3, 2009

A Love/Hate Relationship with Technology

In our move to our new home, we think we finally figured out why we haven't been able to connect to the internet on a consistent basis. Evidently, we need a new modem since the one we have is an older model. A new one is coming in the mail within the week and is supposed to take care of our problems.

I also have a zillion questions about Outlook. For example, I'm wondering how I can get contact information from the Outlook on my church computer on to my personal Outlook and blackberry smart phone. I know somebody out there is saying, "Oh that's easy, just do this and that and you're set." But it never seems to be easy for me, at least.

And yet, I admit that I love technology when it works and when it doesn't do weird things out of the blue for no apparent reason, like just a few minutes ago when my wireless printer was saying that there was a paper jam when there really wasn't.

Since I have a strange fascination with the latest technological gadgets even though I really don't have a clue how these things work, I need to be reminded again and again that all that we really need is to remember Jesus' words to love God and our neighbor.

Now, how do I find that scripture verse in my digital bible again?

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