Saturday, February 26, 2011

Across Political Lines

The voters clearly spoke. Cut government spending! But the voters couldn't cast a vote on what programs should be cut. Education? Health services? Military? Social benefits? This article in my local newspaper this morning prompted me to blog on this topic.

What is a politician to do? Reduce taxes? That was decided when our representatives voted to continue the Bush tax cuts.

So we're going down the road of having the government play a smaller role in the affairs of our day to day living. But who is going to pick up the slack?

Regardless of where people lean in this precarious time of political maneuvering, it's an important time for the church and followers of Jesus to step to the plate. First of all, with so much anger, frustration and political posturing, people like never before are in need of hope and a sense of God's peace. Secondly, as the government shrinks, the church needs to find ways to be there for people who will be most impacted by our political decisions.

Yes, personal responsibility is important for people to get on their feet, but in many cases, the solution is a lot more complicated. Case in point - To discover this truth, I invite anyone to hang out at my church during a given week to encounter the many people who stop by looking for help and guidance. In most circumstances, telling someone to be more responsible will not solve the problem. The elderly woman who can't pay her rent because of overwhelming medical bills is a very responsible person but life has thrown her a bad situation and she is facing an eviction. Thankfully, our church is helping her to stay in her apartment...for this month.

The problems and issues facing our country really do cut across political lines. It's not about which party is in power. It's about finding solutions without settling for easy answers.

While politicians and voters argue, flee, shout, and point the finger, the church is called to take a different path - the way of Jesus and the cross.

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