Friday, February 25, 2011

Bible Study Summary - Upcoming Sunday's Scriptures

Here at Lancaster First UMC, I am privileged to be part of two weekly bible study groups that study the scriptures for the upcoming Sunday worship services.

Feb. 27 Sermon – Movie Month: “Chocolat”

Galatians 2:11-21
- Galatians & Thessalonians were the very first letters that Paul wrote.
- Christians in the Galatia region of south central Turkey when Claudius was emperor.
- Most citizens worship several gods along racial lines. There are Jews and a minority of Christians.
- Problem facing the Galatian Christians – Who’s in and who’s out of God’s family. Table fellowship is at the center of the controversy and the tension between Jewish/Christian believers and Gentile believers.
- Paul tells the story of when he and Peter argued over the issue of who is in and who is out.
- What does this argument between Peter and Paul tell us about the early church? What does it tell us about arguments in the church today?
- What are the essentials and non-essentials for Christian unity?

Matthew 22:15-22
- Pharisees attempt to trap Jesus in an argument regarding whether they should pay taxes to Rome or not?
- People use questions like this to trap people today especially in the political world.
- Jesus asks them to show him a coin which has the image of the emperor which is a “no-no” for a pious Jew and yet they had a coin! The coin also used the title, “Son of God” to describe the emperor, another “no-no” for a pious Jew.
- Jesus doesn’t answer the question about religion/politics directly because he wants to expose their hypocrisy.
- Different political parties in Jesus’ day – 1) Zealots 2) Pharisees/Sadducees 3) Compromisers 4) Essenes (withdraw from society) Jesus offered a new way of living out his faith – the way of the cross.
- How can we be on the guard against hypocrisy as we live out our faith?

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