Tuesday, May 24, 2011

I Have a New Date for Harold Camping - It's November 27

Harold Camping of Family Radio International has a new end of the world date.  It's now October 21.  Evidently, this past Saturday was "an invisible judgment day."  We figured there would be a new date.  These kinds of predictions never end.  Notice that his dates fall during seasons of the year when hurricanes/tornadoes are more frequent.

I know what Harold is trying to do.  He wants people to confess their sins and get saved.   The problem with announcing a date when Jesus will return is that scripture is very clear that nobody knows exactly when this will happen.  Prepare, yes.  Predict, no.  Secondly, it becomes another energy drainer as people focus on another particular date rather than on bringing transformation to our communities and world in the here and now.

I have a better date for Harold Camping to offer his focus.  Forget October 21.  It's November 27, the beginning of the four week Advent season which helps us to prepare for the coming of Jesus into the world (both his birth celebration and his second coming.) 

Advent is a season of waiting, confession, anticipation, repenting, serving the poor and needy, and being ready for the appearing of Jesus.  Since most Christians downplay Advent and use those four weeks as an early celebration of Christmas, Harold would do a wonderful service by appearing before a press conference and saying, "It  has come to my attention that the church already has a date for us to prepare for the coming of Jesus and it's Sunday, November 27, the beginning of the Season of Advent.  I call on everyone on that date and for the four weeks following to repent and prepare for the second coming of Jesus Christ."

Harold - If you're reading this post, I hope to see you on CNN tonight.

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