Thursday, January 19, 2012

Bible Study Summary - Upcoming Sunday's Scriptures

Sermon – “The Good News of the Good News”

Jonah 3:1-5, 10

-          Many scholars see this book as more of a parable regarding God’s grace toward people outside of the Jewish faith.  It takes discernment to be able to tell what kind of literature each story of the bible/book of the bible is rooted in actual historical events.  This is troublesome to people who equate “truth” only with historical events.
-          V. 3 – Nineveh was a very large city based on archaeological finds.
-          V. 5 - The large city which contained a lot of sin/evil shows how incredible it was that the people actually repented!  This is contrasted with the reluctance of the prophet to offer God’s grace!
-          V. 8 – When even the animals are confessing/repenting, you know the city is experiencing total transformation!
-          Why is it difficult for us to see God extending grace to people we are angry with or believe don’t deserve God’s favor?  Do we forget God’s grace in our own lives?  How can we guard against being “holier than thou?”

Mark 1:14-20

-          It is likely that the Zebedee family had a family business of fishing for several generations that went back centuries!  It’s pretty amazing that they dropped this to follow Jesus into an unknown future!
-          This story reminds us of the Abram story when God called him to leave his home and way of life. 
-          At the center of Jesus’ call is the “kingdom of God.”  The kingdom of God means 1) Turn away from any worldview/ideologies that are not in line with Jesus’ understanding of God’s kingdom.   This was the difficult thing for Jonah to do! 2) Give total loyalty to the God of Israel.  3) Embrace the good news that God is truly the king over all the earth.
-          What is the good news?  God is about to rescue the world from sin and death.  And the good news of the good news is that we can leave our nets and embrace this good news in the here and now!

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