Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Big Juicee Cowboy Boot Cup - Dave's Deep Thoughts

First it was a fireman.
Then it was an astronaut.

It wasn't until I matured to the age of four,
that I realized my true calling was to be a cowboy/sheriff.

I think it might have been the boots.
According to my mother,
I wanted to wear my boots everywhere......
and that included to bed
(secretly placed back on after being tucked in)

My bestest birthday
occurred that year when I got
a leather gun belt & gun
(okay, looking back it was probably fake leather,
but at age 4 it seemed really real)

For about a year
(probably about 3 weeks in adult time)
I wore my cowboy outfit everywhere......
everywhere, except to church.

For some reason, they did not like
children bringing munitions to Sunday School.
I remember reluctantly agreeing to go and worship God,
as a civilian.

I was a top notch cowboy/sheriff.
I must have performed at such a high level
because at Christmas I received a shiny sheriff's badge.

This badge was well deserved.

As much as I can remember,
our ranch was never robbed during my watch.
Stagecoaches always made it safely to their destinations.
Citizens felt safe walking the streets.

The only shortcoming I had
might have been a brief incident on the cowboy side of things.

That's when I tried to brand the steer.
That didn't go exactly as I planned,
but that's another story.

I have wonderful memories of my career as a cowboy/sheriff.

Last year when my siblings and I
were cleaning out our mother's home for sale,
we came upon many memories of our childhood years.

Many things were discarded,
but each of us kept favorite mementos.

And that's when I found it.........
No not the boots,
not the shiny badge,
not the munitions......

I found IT,
my Big Juicee Cowboy Boot Cup.

No, this wasn't your average
Big Juicee Cowboy Boot Cup....

Nooosirrrreee !

This was my Big Juicee Cowboy Boot Cup
complete with spur.

I loved my Big Juicee Cowboy Boot Cup.
It was the only way any self respecting cowboy/sheriff
could start his day.

I would fill it up to the very top.
Sometimes I would fill it so close to the brim
that this cowboy/sheriff's mom
would attempt to give me a straw to safely drink.

As any cowboy/sheriff would,
I always refused the straw.

Have you ever seen a cowboy/sheriff use a straw?

Over the years,
as I moved onto other careers,
I gave up my boots, badge, & bullets,
but I kept my Big Juicee Cowboy Boot Cup close by.

For a while,
it became the perfect place to store my marbles.
Later on, it was the quintessential pencil holder.

Somehow, in the confusion of my adolescence,
I lost track of my Big Juicee Cowboy Boot Cup.
Adolesence does that.

I didn't see my Big Juicee Cowboy Boot Cup again
until this year, some 40 years later.
Time has a way of changing one's perspective on things.

Things rarely look the same, or have the same significance
40 years down the road.

That's why my final career is so important to me.
During those adolescent years,
I surrendered my life to Christ's lordship.

I remember that first moment of surrender
as if it were yesterday, but oh how different I am now.

Unlike my first career as a cowboy/sheriff
which was self chosen,
this career as a follower of Christ
was initiated by God,
and I only needed to respond.

Unlike my childhood passing fancies,
this career is for a lifetime.
And instead of a costume,
I need armor.

No need for cowboy boots.
I wear the breastplate of of righteousness.
No need for a shiny badge,
give me the shield of faith.
No cowboy hat for this one,
I have a helmet of salvation.
No gun nor ammunition anymore,
for I have the sword of the Spirit.

Each one of us has a Big Juicee Cowboy Boot Cup
in our lives.....
something that remind us of when we were a child.

But we are told in His Word,
to put away childish things*
as we take on that which is eternal.

I plan on keeping my Big Juicee Cowboy Boot Cup nearby.
Not because I need it,
but because it reminds me of who I have become.

Just don't give me a straw.

*I Corinthians 13:11

Therefore, take up the whole armor of God,
that you may be able to resist in the evil day,
and having done everything to stand firm.
Ephesians 6:13

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