Thursday, April 12, 2012

Bible Study Summary - Upcoming Sunday's Scriptures

April 15 Sermon – “When You Least Expect It”

I John 3:1-7

-         Probably written by the apostle John and was a circular letter read by several congregations.  It addresses the heresy of dualism (spirit vs. matter.)
-         Because of Christ, we are “children of God!”
-         Not all listened to Jesus so the same will be true with us, but we need to keep sharing our faith.
-         Our hope is that we will be like Christ!

Luke 24:13-32

-         Jesus explains the scriptures to his dejected followers (who didn’t recognize him) so they would know that the resurrection of Jesus was part of God’s plan of salvation for the world.
-         Who were the two disciples?  Cleopas & his companion – husband & wife?  Possibly.  This is why many couples have used this scripture to receive healing and spiritual guidance in their relationship.
-         This story is a model for us today.  When we are discouraged, share with others and be open to how the risen Christ will be present with us.
-         Notice how the two disciples were suspicious of the stranger (the risen Christ.)  They truly believed that Jesus was dead and wouldn’t return.  Easter is the wonderful surprise of our faith! 
-         Why don’t we recognize Jesus?  What is it like when we do recognize him?  The breaking of bread is a reference to Holy Communion.  The sacrament is how we encounter the risen Christ.

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