Wednesday, May 23, 2012

A Cafe Epiphany

A couple of days ago, I was in a cafe enjoying my vanilla steamer.  By the way, this hot drink is a great deal compared to the expensive mochas and lattes! 

Across the room was a young mother with her newborn.  I commented that her baby looked like he was only a few weeks old and that he was adorable.  She said that he was only weeks old and his name was Colten.

In the course of our brief conversation, I discovered that she and her husband had moved to this area from Michigan.  I shared that my church was experiencing a baby boom.  We've had several births and baptisms lately.  She smiled and asked which church I attend.  I gave her the name and invited her to join us some Sunday.

As our quick exchanged came to an end, I continued to read my bible at my little table.  A few minutes later, I heard the sounds of a mother playing with her pride and joy.  You know those sounds of delight.  "Hi there.  You're mommy's little boy, aren't you?  You're so handsome! I'm gonna get you!"  She was speaking these words to her smiling newborn as she was holding him up with raised arms there at her table. 

It was in that moment, that I had my cafe epiphany.  I felt God saying to me, "This is how much I love you, Robert.  Like the love and joy of a loving mother who is delighting in her newborn, you are secure in my arms and I will always love and delight in you."

There are many images of God in the bible, some that are masculine and some that are feminine.  This epiphany reminded me of how God's unconditional and everlasting love is like the joy of a mother holding her newborn baby.

As she was putting her baby back into the cushioned carrier, the mother looked my way and thanked me one more time for the church invitation. Turning toward the door to leave, she said, "God bless you."

Thanks to this cafe epiphany, I have felt blessed all week.

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