Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Upcoming Sunday's Scriptures (May 27)

Sermon (May 27) – “A Red Hot Faith”
Pentecost Sunday

Acts 2:1-21
-         Acts is 2nd volume of Luke’s telling of story of Jesus & the beginnings of the church.
-         Pentecost in original Jewish context – An agricultural festival celebrating the first fruits in anticipation of more to come.  This comes 50 days after Passover/Easter and it also was the 50th day after the 1st Passover when the Israelites and Moses made it to Mount Sinai to receive the commandments and laws from God. 
-         The pouring out of the spirit on Pentecost and the new believers is like the first fruits of many more to come.
-         The Holy Spirit is the presence and power of Jesus who is now ascended.  Pentecost explains how the fearful and inadequate disciples were able to be faithful witnesses to the people around them.
-         Different languages – Greek was the main language, like English is for Europe.  The miracle was that the disciples were able to speak in languages they didn't even know!  (Side Note: I wish the Spirit would have given me a Pentecost moment during my final exams when I was studying German, Spanish, & Greek!)
-         The church caused quite a stir on Pentecost.  How is the church turning heads today?
-         Pentecost and the outpouring of the Holy Spirit is the fulfillment of the prophet, Joel in the Old Testament. 
-         What does it mean to be saved?  It means to be rescued from sin and death and live out the new creation that God intends for the world. 

John 15:26-27 & 16:4b-15
-         Following Jesus opens us up to facing dangers in this world.  We need to remember that the opposition isn’t about us but is directed toward Jesus. 
      -     Verses 8-11 speak of the Advocate/Holy Spirit/Helper.  Advocate is a legal term 
             referring to a lawyer who is defending us.  The Spirit is our lawyer who shows that
             it’s the world that should be judged, not the truth about the way of Jesus.

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