Monday, May 20, 2013

A Prayer for Oklahoma & How to Help

Our church will be receiving a special offering this Sunday (May 26) for Oklahoma relief efforts through UMCOR (United Methodist Committee on Relief.)  Checks can be made payable to "First UMC" with "Oklahoma" on the memo. UMCOR envelopes will be included in the pews for your convenience.

Donations go directly to relief efforts thanks to local churches paying their annual apportionments and the One Great Hour of Sharing offering that we receive each year in March. This is why being a connectional church is making a difference in our world. It allows the United Methodist Church to offer God's healing presence quickly and efficiently to communities who are in need.

In Time of Natural Disaster Prayer
O God, you divided the waters of chaos at creation. In Christ you stilled storms, raised the dead, and vanquished demonic powers. Tame the earthquake, wind, and fire, and all the forces that defy control or shock us by their fury. Keep us from calling disaster your justice. Help us, in good times and in distress, to trust your mercy and yield to your power, this day and for ever. Amen.

- United Methodist Book of Worship

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