Wednesday, May 22, 2013

May 26 (Trinity Sunday) Lectionary Commentary

May 26 Sermon – “Unsolved Mysteries”

Romans 5:1-5

Some people think that there’s no point in believing or having a relationship with God. This is mainly due to their perception of who God is. The Apostle Paul wants us to know that God is about relationships and reconciliation. V. 1 says that the result of the gospel is that we have peace with God!

The first four chapters of Romans show how our minds have been twisted because of sin. Sin can keep us from being open to a loving God who wants to be in a relationship with us and give us peace.

V. 2 is Temple language where we can approach God and live in grace and be part of God’s kingdom of love. This is what it means to be fully human.

VV. 3-5 – This is why we can celebrate, even when we suffer. Suffering leads to patience, character, and hope. This is not an overnight process. It’s a life long journey.

John 16:12-15

Jesus is preparing the disciples for the time when he would be leaving them. Jesus will be put to death but will also be resurrected. All of this will lead to the Holy Spirit being sent to the disciples.

Focus verse for this Sunday’s sermon – v. 12. Jesus tells us that there are some things that we just aren’t ready to understand.

Our Director of Christian Education says that it’s often very difficult for us to have an open mind to a new understanding of the scriptures. The tendency is to stick with what we already think is true. We need to remember Jesus’ words that it’s OK to not try to understand everything right away.

Thoughts on these scriptures:

1. On this Trinity Sunday, each scripture passage has references to God as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. What questions do you have about the Trinity? How can John 16:12 help us to not get overwhelmed at the mystery of the Trinity?

2. The Trinity became a doctrine of the church after the New Testament was compiled. A lot of people dismiss the Trinity because it doesn’t make sense logically. And yet, the New Testament again and again affirms the belief that there is one God and clearly indicates that Jesus and the Holy Spirit are associated with the Godhead. For example, we are to offer our worship to Jesus and the Spirit which is something you only do for God.

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