Friday, August 23, 2013

Love First (United Methodist Church) Holy Communion Offering - A Story of Hope

Whenever First United Methodist Church celebrates Holy Communion, we invite the congregation to offer a financial gift to the Pastor's Discretionary Fund. This fund is used to help with specific needs of individuals in our community as determined by Information Referral.

Holy Communion is a Sacrament that reminds us of the hope we have through the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. It's a time for us to remember what God has done for us and is doing for us as we receive the bread and the cup. As we experience this hope through Holy Communion, our offering to the Pastor's Discretionary Fund blesses others and offers them renewed hope as well. Stories of hope like the one sent to us below from Information and Referral remind us of just how special it is whenever we receive Holy Communion as a church family.

August 20, 2013

A client walked into our office and needed help with an old Lancaster Utility bill.  There are usually no referrals available for this type of bill.  The client’s name was Traci and she had been staying with someone but today was the last day she could stay there.  Traci was facing homelessness. She was not alone; Traci has a 13 year old daughter.  Traci is employed and was able to save some money to rent a place for herself and her daughter.  When Traci went into Lancaster Utilities to have her utilities setup for her new place she was told that she had an old bill in the amount of $1374.88 and a $150.00 deposit that would need to be paid in order to have her utilities turned on.  Traci explained to Lancaster Utilities that according to her divorce decree her ex-husband was responsible for that bill.  Lancaster Utilities told her that the divorce decree did not matter, the bill was unpaid and in her name and she would have to pay it.  Lancaster Utilities offered her the option of a payment plan.  If she paid $750, she could have her utility service established at her new address.  Traci did not have $750; she had just paid out $900 for rent and deposit on a place for her and her daughter.  Lancaster Utilities told her to come over to our office and see if we could help her.

Traci came to our office and she was visibly upset.  She explained her situation and what she needed.  She came into our office already thinking that she and her daughter were going to sleep in their car for the night and maybe even lose their new apartment.  I sat down and discussed the situation with the Executive Director of Information and Referral, Kristin Ankrom, and she said this was a special circumstance and suggested that I call around and ask various agencies and churches if the could help.  I returned to my desk and started making calls.  My first call was to First United Methodist Church.  First United Methodist has always helped in the past whenever we call with a special case.  Today was no exception, I spoke with Sandy Roberts and she agreed to speak with Deb.  Within minutes they agreed to pledge $200 to help Traci get her utilities on!! Thanks to that first pledge and the wonderful support of various churches in Lancaster, we had managed to find a total of $550, and that combined with the clients $200, gave her enough money to get the utilities set up in her name.  They would have a safe place to sleep for the night thanks, in part, to First United Methodist Church!

Thank you for everything you do for our agency and for our community!

Jeannette Curtis, CIRS
Information and Referral
108 W. Main Street, Suite C
Lancaster, Ohio 43130

(740) 687-0500

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