Thursday, August 22, 2013

Psalm 71 & Turning 100

The Psalm for this Sunday is Psalm 71:1-6 which is a Psalm of hope. A lot of bible scholars believe that this Psalm was written by someone who was from the older generation reflecting on God's faithfulness over the many years.

One of my church members, Jean Finley, turned the big 100 this week. When I went to visit her in the nursing home to wish her a happy birthday, the thought came to me to read this Psalm since it seemed appropriate for the occasion. Another idea came to me to see if she would like to be video recorded with me reading this Psalm by her side to show during our worship services.

Jean was glad to do this and here is the video of the reading of Psalm 71 from her nursing home room that was shown during our worship services. Happy 100th birthday, Jean!

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