Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Sunday Scripture Commentary (October 27)

October 27 Sermon – “Are You Ready to Get Blisters for Jesus?”

I Corinthians 12:12-20

The Apostle Paul informs the Christians at Corinth that spiritual gifts come through the Holy Spirit and are given as he chooses for the benefit of the entire church.

When Paul uses the human body as an analogy, he is thinking in Jewish/Old Testament terms of when God created human beings. Paul is saying that the church is the new humanity that God through Christ is creating. It’s in the church where we learn to be the human beings God intended us to be!

v. 13 – Paul views baptism as the entry point into this new humanity, the church. When Paul associates baptism with the Spirit, he is reminding us that God will strengthen us as we use our gifts in ministry and service to others.

Spiritual Gifts: We need each other in the church. Every function is important to the whole. Everyone has at least one spiritual gift and these gifts are meant to be a blessing to the whole church (see v. 7) Spiritual Gift inventories are helpful in determining your spiritual gifts. There are approximately 20 spiritual gifts listed in the scriptures.

Mark 1:14-20

After being tempted to misuse his power by the Devil, Jesus has returned to Galilee. He calls on some fishermen to follow him.

The fishermen gave up generations of family fishing to follow Jesus. Jesus called James, John, Peter and Andrew to follow him and they did! This is to remind us of the calling of Abram in the Old Testament when he was called to leave his country and follow God into an unknown land.

What is the Kingdom of God? There are many misconceptions of the meaning of this phrase. It does not refer to a new type of inner spirituality. It refers to the news that God is at work in the world in a new way and is establishing his kingdom on earth.

Over the course of approximately three years, Jesus was able to disciple these fisherman, a tax collector, and several others and form them into a new Israel who would continue to build God’s kingdom following the resurrection. Jesus continues to call people to follow him today!

What does it mean to leave our nets and follow Jesus? In what ways are we inviting people to follow Jesus?

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