A United Methodist Pastor's Theological Reflections

"But thanks be to God, who gives us the victory (nikos) through our Lord Jesus Christ." - I Corinthians 15:57

Monday, May 6, 2019

Sunday Pastoral Prayer (May 5) Athens First UMC

[Sunday’s sermon title was “Living Mirrors.” The mirror in the picture above was used during the sermon to illustrate what it means to be a living mirror. Being created in the image of God means that we worship by reflecting God’s glory back onto God and serving others by reflecting God’s glory into our community and world. Think of your life as a living mirror where we reflect God’s glory through worship and service. One of the ways people in our church serve is through our Stephen Ministry, a one to one peer support program. This month represents the 10th anniversary of this ministry in our church. We invited our past and present Stephen Ministers to be recognized at both services on Sunday. Thank you, Stephen Ministers for serving in this way! For this special recognition blessing, click here.]

O God, you have created each one of us to be your image bearers. You have created us to be your living mirrors who reflect your glory onto you and outwardly to the people we encounter through acts of service and kindness. Thank you for creating us to be your image bearers in this world that is filled with so much pain and brokenness.

Thank you for the many opportunities we have to be your living mirrors of worship, whether it be when we are holding a bulletin and a hymnal in a sanctuary, when we are moved by an inspiring concert of religious music, or when we are at the kitchen table for our daily morning time of prayer and devotions to begin our day. Remind us of all the ways that we can point our mirrors to the heavens and reflect your glory back onto you.

And thank you for all the many ways that we can be your living mirrors through service, whether it be when our church is partnering with Good Works, going on a summer mission trip, serving at Vacation Bible School, serving as a Stephen Minister, or taking flowers to a neighbor who recently lost a loved one. Remind us of all the ways that we can point our mirrors outward to our community and world and reflect your glory in loving ways.

May our church be one giant living mirror as we worship and serve you together!

As we continue in this Easter season in which we celebrate the good news of the empty tomb, teach us what it means to be your disciples and feed your sheep. Teach us what it means to join in one mighty chorus in heaven and on earth in singing your praises.

As your Easter and image bearing people, we confess that sometimes our mirrors are pointed inward toward ourselves instead of outward to be a blessing to you and to others. Forgive us for those times when we have forgotten who you have created us to be, a people created for worship and service.

We pray this in the name of Jesus, the ultimate image bearer who taught us to pray together saying, “Our Father, who art in heaven…”

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