Family & Friends Gather for Katie Starnes Service
January 30, 2025
Memorial Gardens of Columbia, SC
When I was looking over the II Corinthians scripture reading in preparing for this service, I was struck by what the Apostle Paul says in verse 11of this passage. He says, “so that the life of Jesus may also be made visible in our mortal flesh.” Katie lived out this verse in the many ways that she blessed us with her love, with her kindness, and with her faithfulness to Christ and the church.
Jesus was made visible through the life of Katie Starnes. What a great way to be remembered. And what a great reminder for all of us to be more like Christ in all that we say and do. I’m so thankful for Katie and Bill’s faithfulness to Christ and the church.
During one of my visits with Katie, it was a little more challenging to communicate with her and I was trying to think how I could connect with her in a better way. And that’s when I remembered that I had recently taken a video of some yellow butterflies that were flying from plant to plant in the garden at my house. After I opened the video on my smartphone I asked her, “Katie, do you like butterflies?” Her eyes lit up and she said that she likes butterflies.”
I said, “look at these butterflies in our garden at my house.” She loved seeing those butterflies. It made me so happy that we were connecting. You know, sometimes just the beauty of God’s creation is all we need to connect with someone. And then that led to a conversation about plants and flowers. After my visit with her, I remember thanking God for that connection we were able to make. Sometimes, dementia doesn’t win.
Speaking of butterflies, the early Christians were known to explain the Christian faith by referring to the Chrysalis process. It’s that beautiful process that allows a worm to eventually become a beautiful butterfly. In a similar way, as we faithfully live out our faith through Christ and the church, we also experience transformation as we allow Jesus to be made visible in and through us.
And that mysterious transformation continues even beyond the grave as we join that great cloud of witnesses in worship and praise forever and ever. Heaven is that place, where as Isaiah told us from our other scripture reading, we shall mount up with wings like eagles. We shall run and not be weary. We shall walk and not be faint.
And for all of us who no longer see our loved ones and who are going through this time of grief and morning, Paul reminds us to not lose hope “because we know that the one who raised Jesus will also raise us with Jesus.”
Maybe this is why Bill and Katie appreciated reciting the Apostles’ Creed and why they wanted it to be included in each of their funeral services. We believe in the resurrection of the body and the life everlasting. Let’s recite this ancient creed of faith together…
The Apostles’ Creed
I believe in God, the Father Almighty, maker of heaven and earth; And in Jesus Christ his only Son, our Lord; who was conceived by the Holy Spirit, born of the Virgin Mary, suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, dead, and buried; the third day he rose from the dead; he ascended into heaven, and sitteth at the right hand of God the Father Almighty; from thence he shall come to judge the quick and the dead. I believe in the Holy Spirit, the holy catholic church, the communion of saints, the forgiveness of sins, the resurrection of the body, and the life everlasting. Amen.
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